
National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 61300058):



(* Correspondence Author)  

1. 第一作者论文
(1) Peng Chen(#)(*)A sequence-based dynamic ensemble learning system for protein ligand-binding site prediction,ACM/IEEE Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics,2016.02.01,13(5):901~912,SCI,第一标注
(2) Di Zhang(#)Peng Chen(#),Chun-Hou Zheng,Junfeng Xia,Identification of ovarian cancer subtype-specific network modules and candidate drivers through an integrative genomics approach,Oncotarget,2016.01.26,7(4):4298~4309,SCI,并列第一作者,第三标注
(3) Peng Chen(#),Jianhua Huang,Xin Gao,LigandRFs: random forest ensemble to identify ligand-binding residues from sequence information alone,BMC Bioinformatics,2014.01.01,15 Suppl 15:S4~S4,SCI,第一标注 [Software]
2. 通讯作者论文(勿与第一作者论文重复)
(1) Jun Zhang,Muchun Zhu,Peng Chen(*),Bing Wang,DrugRPE: random projection ensemble approach to drug-target interaction prediction,Neurocomputing,2016.10.24,228:256~262,SCI,EI,第二标注
(2) Chuan-Xi Li,Ru-Jing Wang,Peng Chen(*),Interaction Relation Ontology Learning,Journal of Computational Biology,2014.1.1,21(1):80~88,SCI,第一标注
(3) Chengjun Xie,Jie Zhang,Rui Li,Jinyan Li,Peilin Hong,Junfeng Xia,Peng Chen(*)Automatic classification for field crop insects via multiple-task sparse representation and multiple-kernel learning,Computers and Electronics in Agriculture,2015.11.01,119:123~132,SCI,EI,第二标注
(4) Wang, Bing(*),Shen, Hao,Fang, Aiqin,Huang, De-shuang,Jiang, Changjun,Zhang, Jun,Chen, Peng,A regression model for calculating the second dimension retention index in comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography time-of-flight mass spectrometry,Journal of Chromatography A,2016.6.17,1451:127~134,SCI,第二标注
(5) Zhongpei Wang,Hao Wang,Jieqing Tan,Peng Chen(*),Chengjun Xie,Robust object tracking via multi-scale patch based sparse coding histogram,Multimedia Tools and Applications,2016.02.01,1~23,SCI,第二标注
(6) Zhang, Jun,Xia, Yi,Zheng, Chun-Hou,Wang, Bing,Zhang, Xiang,Chen, Peng(*),Combine multiple mass spectral similarity measures for compound identification,International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics,2016.01.01,15(1):84~100,SCI,第一标注
(7) Chengjun Xie,Jieqing Tan,Peng Chen(*),Multiple instance learning tracking method with local sparse representation,Machine Vision and Applications,2014.10.1,25(7):1859~1876,SCI,第三标注
(8) Chengjun Xie,Jieqing Tan,Peng Chen(*),Collaborative object tracking model with local sparse representation,Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation,2014.2.01,25(2):423~434,SCI,第三标注
3. 既非第一作者又非通讯作者论文
(1) Hong-Qiang Wang,jNMFMA: a joint non-negative matrix factorization meta-analysis of transcriptomics data,Bioinformatics,2015.1.1,31(1):1~9,SCI,第二标注
二 、会议论文
1. 第一作者论文
(1) Peng Chen(#)(*),ShanShan Hu,Bing Wang,Jun Zhang,A Random Projection Ensemble Approach to Drug-Target Interaction Prediction,11th International Conference on Intelligent Computing, ICIC 2015,Fuzhou, China,2015.8.20-2015.8.23,EI,第一标注
(2) Peng Chen(#)(*),ShanShan Hu,Bing Wang,Jun Zhang,Sequence-based random projection ensemble approach to identify hotspot residues from whole protein sequence,11th International Conference on Intelligent Computing, ICIC 2015,Fuzhou,2015.8.20-2015.8.23,EI,第一标注
2. 通讯作者论文(勿与第一作者论文重复)
(1) Peng Chen,Prediction of Hot Spots Based on Physicochemical Features and Relative Accessible Surface Area of Amino Acid Sequence,12th International Conference of Intelligent Computing, ICIC 2016,LanZhou,2016.8.2-2016.8.5,EI,第一标注
3. 既非第一作者又非通讯作者论文
(1) Sen Xia,Peng Chen,Jun Zhang,Xiao-Ping Li,Bing Wang,A Multi-feature Fusion Method for Automatic Multi-label Image Annotation with Weighted Histogram Integral and Closure Regions Counting,Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2015,FuZhou,2015.8.20-2015.8.23,EI,第二标注
(2) Zhi-Shui Zhang,Li-Li Cao,Jun Zhang,Peng Chen,Chun-hou Zhe,Prediction of molecular substructure using mass spectral data based on deep learning,11th International Conference on Intelligent Computing, ICIC 2015,Fuzhou, China,2015.8.20-2015.8.23,EI,第三标注




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