Current Research

The aim is to develop novel approaches and apply them in the prediction of protein structure, such as contact map prediction, secondary structure prediction, and super-secondary structure identification etc., through amino acid sequence information.




Protein-Molecule Interaction:
The project is to discover the interactions between protein and protein, protein and ligand, as well as protein and DNA/RNA.



Drug-target Interactions and Network:
The project is to discover drug-target interactions and find new targets for human by mining drug-target network.



Big Data in Health Care:
Collecting and manipulating enormous amounts of data soon will begin to play a vital role in research and delivery of health care, according to California leaders of the "big data" movement.



Machine Vision and Applications:
We try to develop efficient algorithm in machine vision and feature coverage of all applications and engineering aspects of image-related computing, including original contributions dealing with scientific, commercial, industrial, military, and biomedical applications of machine vision.



Copyright @ 2004-2010 by Peng Chen

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